CauseMe A platform to benchmark causal discovery methods

Causal discovery

Detecting causal associations in time series datasets is a key challenge for novel insights into complex dynamical systems such as the Earth system or the human brain. Interactions in such systems present a number of major challenges for causal discovery techniques and it is largely unknown which methods perform best for which challenge.

The CauseMe platform provides ground truth benchmark datasets featuring different real data challenges to assess and compare the performance of causal discovery methods. The available benchmark datasets are either generated from synthetic models mimicking real challenges, or are real world data sets where the causal structure is known with high confidence. The datasets vary in dimensionality, complexity and sophistication.

There are two ways to contribute:

  1. Develop a new method and assess its performance on available datasets.
  2. Provide synthetic or real world multivariate time series data with known causal ground truth.

Don't just label me. Cause Me!

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The platform is being maintained and developed thanks to the contribution of several funding bodies: H2020 Deepcube, GVA AI4PEX, FBBVA, and Microsoft Research.